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  • KCE1702工程机械驱动桥


    ·  吸收国外工程机械桥先进技术;

    ·  内部结构包括中央减速、差速器、末端行星减速等;

    ·  外部结构桥壳采用矩形截面,刚性好,承载大;

    ·  采用全液压湿式防爆制动器,集行车、驻车制动为一体; 

    ·  制动力矩大,制动性能可靠;

    ·  采用中置式传动路线;

    ·  采用数控机床、专用生产线加工,无损伤装配;

    ·  5-8吨矿井无轨胶轮车及其它特种车辆。


    Performance features

    ·  Absorb advanced technology of foreign engineering machinery drive axle;

    ·  Internal structures include central reducer , differential, terminal planetary reducer, etc;

    ·  External structure of the axle housing with rectangular section, good rigidity, large load;

    ·  Adopting the all-hydraulic wet explosion-proof brake with driving and parking brake;

    ·  High braking torque and reliable braking performance;

    ·  Adopting the mid-set transmission route;

    ·  Produce axle with CNC machine and special production lines, non- damaged assemble;

    ·  Suitable for 5-8 ton trackless mine vehicles and other special vehicles.



    二:技术参数Technical parameters

    最大输入扭矩(N.m)Maximum input torque


    传动比 Transmission ratio


    输入法兰参数 Input flange parameters

    安装止口Installation diameterφ75,螺孔screw hole 8-M10×1.25,分布圆直径distribution circle diameterφ101.5

    辐板连接参数Spoke plate connection parameters

    轮辋螺栓rim bolt 8-M22×1.5,分布圆直径Bolt distribution circle

    φ275,安装止口installation diameter φ220.8

    轮辐距(mm) Distance between flange


    制动器参数  Brake parameter

    行车制动 Driving brake:工作油压Working oil pressure 5MPa,制动力矩braking torque 15000N.m; 接口connection size 2-M14X1.5

    驻车制动Parking brake: 解除驻车制动油压Release the parking brake oil pressure 2-3MPa,制动力矩braking torque30000N.m,

    接口connection size2-M14X1.5

    额定桥荷(kg) Rated dynamic load


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